Fast cash loans for a car, motorbike, or registration costs up to $5,000

Having your own reliable mode of transport can save time and/or money. Instead of spending months saving, why not take the fast way and borrow it upfront. Instead of putting money aside each week for savings, you’d simply be putting money aside to make repayments!

Car registration cost is another common reason people come to us for car loans. If you get caught driving an unregistered car it could cost you a fine and demerit points on top of late payment fees and/or the hassle and inconvenience of having to re-register a vehicle. A car loan isn’t just reserved for a car, you can use one of our fast cash loans to purchase a motorbike, scooter, or even a trailer.

Tired of throwing your money away to keep your old car on the road? Tired of planning your life around Melbourne bus, tram, and train schedules? Want to buy a trailer for a DIY move? Want to buy a motorbike to get to work quicker and save on fuel and parking costs? Sick of carpooling? Whatever the reason, we’re the experts in car loans to solve your pressing financial dilemma.

All you need to Apply Now is to be a permanent Australian resident over the age of 18. You will need proof of identity and income. In some cases, we can approve short term loans for low income earners or people with poor credit, so it’s worthwhile giving us a call before you apply so we can discuss your best options before you apply.

Need a quick and simple car loan?

We lend responsibly. That means that we’ll make sure you have the capacity to make repayments without hardship and because there’s no hidden fees on our fast cash loans, you’ll know exactly what the terms are before your loan is approved.