Fast cash loans for school expenses

We love helping Melbourne parents with school expenses. Education is important but it can also be expensive. Unexpected costs for extra-curriculum tuition, extra-curriculum activities, excursions, school camps, uniforms, books, musical instruments, can add a burden to a strict budget, or even be completely out of reach. We can even help with school tuition fees.

Whatever the reason, our short-term fast cash loans can help you through a temporary tight financial spot and keep your household running smoothly. Our goal. Happy kid, happy parent.

We’ll create a loan that fits with your budget and because we offer short term loans, you’ll generally have it paid off within 12 months, so you don’t have to carry around a debt for years on end!

Here’s how our fast cash loans work

Like any lender, we’ll need some information from you. You’ll need to be over 18 years old and have a current and valid form of photo identification such as a driver’s licence, passport, or an 18+ card. You’ll need to provide bank statements for the past 90 days and you’ll need to be a permanent resident of Australia. We also need proof of income (payslips, Centrelink Income statement, or a group certificate.

Are you a single parent? Parents on a low income? Are you a grandparent on a pension wanting to help financially? Self-employed? We consider your personal circumstances, which means we often approve fast cash loans that traditional lenders can’t or won’t. Like any lender, we must make sure you have the means to repay it without hardship.

All loan related costs are revealed upfront before we approve the loan. Unlike many banks and pay day lender loans, our loans give you the flexibility to pay them off early or to make additional repayments, without any penalties.

We are based in Melbourne, but you can be from anywhere in Australia. We can do an application via the phone or you can Apply Now online 24/7.