Fast cash loans for vet bills

Anyone who’s loved a pet knows that they become part of your family, so when they become unexpectedly ill or involved in an accident, the priority is to get them well again. This usually means one or more visits to a vet, and a whole pile of unexpected bills! Bills that can quickly add up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Without pet insurance or a rainy-day savings fund, you could be left with a difficult dilemma. With our fast cash loans for vet bills, you’ll be able to give your best friend the care they need now, without the financial burden. We lend amounts from as little as $500 up to $2,000 as individual loans with repayment options from 24 weeks to 12 months (in some cases, up to 24 months).

When you apply for one of our short-term loans, we’ll look at the ‘big-picture’. We’re a private direct lender, not a bank, so we can take your personal circumstances into account. That means past mistakes a like credit default doesn’t make you an automatic ‘no’ for one of our loans.

We set up our fast loans, so you have regular manageable repayments, a little like paying insurance but only when you need it! We even allow you to make extra payments to save on interest or pay off the amount in full without early payment fees.

Melbourne’s professional direct lenders for short term loans

Even if you have a credit card facility with credit available, the interest costs can quickly compound if you’re not able to pay the principal off quickly enough or keep up with repayments.

Read our loan terms at our Why Us page or our commonly asked questions at our FAQ page.

The fastest way to get started is to Apply Now.